Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nsa And The Security Agency - 1681 Words

The National Security Agency has caused much controversy over the manner in which they protect the nation. It was revealed that the NSA has been reaching necessary lengths to keep citizens safe from the threats of terrorism, bombings, and murders, amongst others. But many citizens are angry and concerned about how far the NSA has gone to protect everyone. The NSA has analyzed private information of billions of phones, computers, and surveillance cameras. The N.S.A. watches and records Americans’ phone calls and internet data, following and intercepting in the lives of people in the most remote parts. The situation clearly makes American citizens uncomfortable, and some argue that the NSA has crossed the line by invading the â€Å"privacy† of†¦show more content†¦The surveillance allows unwanted events to happen around the country. The people of the United States need protection more than they need privacy, because once there is protection there is privacy. When it comes to saving lives, safety is more important than any kind of privacy. The violation of American citizens’ privacy is a very unconvincing point against the NSA over surveillance to reduce murder and crime. The government’s intentions are not to harm citizens but to protect them. The issue of the NSA surveillance would not be happening if it was not for the plane crashes of September 11th, 2001, an event that could have been prevented if the government had taken the measures of surveillance it has today. The effectiveness of the NSA’s programming today could have pinpointed the people carrying out the plans to aboard the planes and take control during that time. As an enormous country, it can be helpful to know where threats stand and where they don’t. As President Obama stated in his NSA reformation speech, â€Å"The horror of September 11th brought all these issues to the fore. Across the political spectrum, Americans recognized that we had to adapt to a world in which a bomb could be built in a basement and our electric grid could be shut down by operators an ocean away. We were shaken by the signs we had missed leading up to the attacks, how the hijackers had made phone calls to known extremists and traveled to suspicious places.

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